Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 11, 2019

Thinking About Getting a Pet?

What is the first thing we usually think of when we think about getting a pet? Beyond the cute factor; hopefully, it’s something along the lines of what can we offer the pet in return when it’s giving us love. Consider the cost and upkeep of getting a furry friend.

Is your household one that is more than ready to put in a lot of time playing with an animal? Maybe a dog is a good fit. A household that wants a bit of extra company, but can’t handle much responsibility, might be better looking into getting a cat.

Cats and dogs are more prevalent, but many people enjoy the company of mice, rabbits, and even snakes or lizards or birds. All of which have different types and levels of care to maintain. Can your household afford the upkeep of a pet of any kind? Is your housing set up to handle a dog?

Dogs need lots of room to romp and jump around. Not having a yard for a dog is not a lose-lose, closed-case in owning a dog. It just means you have to get more creative on how to make sure the dog has plenty of ways to get exercise and play.
If you live in a rental, it’ll depend on what the specific rules are as far as having any kinds of pets go. Getting a pet will include a deposit if it has the potential to destroy things. Rules like this won't apply as much to animals kept in an enclosed area for parts of the day.
Owning your place takes some of the guesswork out of deposit fees. Renting doesn’t close the door on having a furry new member of the household. It does mean you have to work with your landlord or manager on having a pet, depending on what you want.

Covering Up the Gray Naturally

Sure, it has become a bit of a trend to sport gray streaks in hair professionally styled by a stylist. The same goes for people who like purple, red and other colors of the rainbow in their hair. But if you are not open to embracing naturally gray hair or having gray in your hair at all, you can also take care of that.

Before processed hair color was a thing, hair color was extracted from plants naturally staining the hair. This natural hair color has been around for a long time. It’s just that with the impatient, gotta have it done now culture, a lot of gray haired people don’t have the patience it takes to let this natural hair color do its thing.

It’s called Henna, and it stains your hair instead of coating your hair. You have to mix it with water and let it sit in your hair for a long time. Numerous people with gray hair have successfully covered up unwanted gray hair. Hair tends to look healthier than before they stained it.

One of the best parts of henna is it naturally conditions the hair as it stains it with color. The unpleasant part is it’s incredibly messy, and it takes a while to have the mix “set” to attain the best color. Mix the plant powder with warm water and stir to create an almost pudding-like consistency. Apply it to hair to get a base stain that gives your hair reddish to dark brown to black color.

Go heavy on the indigo henna if you want to go back to your natural black hair color. For hair more on the dark brown side, you combine indigo and regular henna. Mixing and playing around with the powder will not only chase the grays away; but give your hair an added depth.